#!/usr/bin/perl -w ################################################ # # Checks the net-stat (only for status). # - warning state only for to much percent of errs or drop packages # - unknown is for unknown device # # Thomas Sesselmann 2010 # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # Changelog: # v0.10 2018.02.16 (Snel.com - Yavuz Aydin) Added -d flag for devices argument # v0.9 2010.10.22 (ts) # #### use Getopt::Long; &Getopt::Long::config('bundling'); my %ERRORS=('OK'=>0,'WARNING'=>1,'CRITICAL'=>2,'UNKNOWN'=>3,'DEPENDENT'=>4); my $help = 0; my $warn = "10"; my $proc_net_file = "/proc/net/dev"; my %devices = (); my $arg_devices = undef; my $status = GetOptions( "h|help|?" => \$help, "w=i" => \$warn, "d|devices=s" => \$arg_devices ); &print_usage() if $help; if ( defined($arg_devices) ) { foreach my $device ( split ' ', $arg_devices ) { $devices{$device}=0; } } else { $devices{all}=0; } &test_net(); ##################################################### sub test_net() { my $return_txt=''; my $perfdata=''; my $status = 'OK'; open FILE,"<$proc_net_file"; while() { chomp $_; if ($_ =~ /^\s*(\w+):(.*)$/){ my $key = lc $1; if(( exists $devices{all} )or( exists $devices{$key} )) { $devices{$key}=$2; } } } close FILE; foreach my $k ( sort keys %devices ) { if ( $k eq "all" ) { next; } if ( $devices{$k} eq "0" ) { $status = 'UNKNOWN'; if ( $return_txt ne "" ) { $return_txt .= ", " } $return_txt .= "$k=(-/-)"; next; } my @val = split " ",$devices{$k}; my $rx = $val[0]; my $tx = $val[8]; my $rx_pkg = $val[1]; my $tx_pkg = $val[9]; $perfdata .= "${k}_in=${rx}c; "; #In Bytes (Counter) $perfdata .= "${k}_out=${tx}c; "; #Out Bytes (Counter) ## calculate dops and errors to percent if ( ( ($val[2]+$val[3]) * 100 > $warn * $rx_pkg ) or ( ($val[10]+$val[11]) * 100 > $warn * $tx_pkg ) ) { if ( $ERRORS{$status} < $ERRORS{'WARNING'} ) { $status ='WARNING'; } } my $rx_unit = "B"; if ( $rx > 1024 * 4 ) { $rx /= 1024; $rx_unit="kB"; } if ( $rx > 1024 * 4 ) { $rx /= 1024; $rx_unit="MB"; } if ( $rx > 1024 * 4 ) { $rx /= 1024; $rx_unit="GB"; } if ( $rx > 1024 * 4 ) { $rx /= 1024; $rx_unit="TB"; } my $tx_unit = "B"; if ( $tx > 1024 * 4 ) { $tx /= 1024; $tx_unit="kB"; } if ( $tx > 1024 * 4 ) { $tx /= 1024; $tx_unit="MB"; } if ( $tx > 1024 * 4 ) { $tx /= 1024; $tx_unit="GB"; } if ( $tx > 1024 * 4 ) { $tx /= 1024; $tx_unit="TB"; } if ( $return_txt ne "" ) { $return_txt .= ", " } $return_txt .= sprintf "$k=(%.1f$rx_unit/%.1f$tx_unit)",$rx,$tx; } $return_txt = "NET $status - (Rx/Tx) $return_txt|$perfdata\n"; &print_exit($return_txt,$ERRORS{$status}); } sub print_usage() { print "Usage: $0 [-w ] -d [devices]*\n"; exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } sub print_exit() { my $msg = shift; my $return_code = shift; print "$msg"; exit $return_code; } __END__